Article in ChemistrySelect about BuBble bags and radicals

ChemistrySelect published our article with measurement results with our BuBble bags. We investigated the production of so-called radicals; these are chemical side-products of cavitation bubbles. We showed that the bags increased the radical production with 45% while reducing the variability with 22%, compared to a 25x smaller device that we had engineered earlier in the ...

Special Issue of Ultrasonics Sonochemistry on ‘Cleaning with bubbles’

Scientific magazine Ultrasonics Sonochemistry published a special edition on the topic ‘Cleaning with bubbles’. We are proud to have been Guest Editor for this special issue, which can now be found online at: We have asked several renowned scientists with different expertises to answer the question on how bubbles exactly can clean: is it ...

NRC Next article on MESA+ cleanroom and BuBclean

NRC Next article on MESA+ cleanroom and BuBclean
Today, Dutch national newspaper NRC Next has published an article in their weekly appendix on carreers, about precision technology in the MESA+ NanoLab. BuBclean is featured as one of the spin-off companies active in cleaning for cleanroom purposes. Read the article here below! (In Dutch) Another reading tip: read all about our collaboration project with ...

Article in CMM magazine on Twente Spin-offs

Article in CMM magazine on Twente Spin-offs
CMM Magazine has published a special issue on micromanufacturing in Twente, including the spin-offs that have started here recently. We have added our story on how BuBclean started and on our activities in ultrasonic cleaning for precision technology. Read the article here below or on the website of CMM.

Article on ‘Cleaning for 3D printing’ in Applied Acoustics

Article on 'Cleaning for 3D printing' in Applied Acoustics
We recently published an article on (ultrasonic) cleaning of 3D printed parts in the Applied Acoustics journal. Ultrasonic cleaning of 3D printed objects and Cleaning Challenge Devices B. Verhaagen, T. Zanderink and D. Fernandez Rivas Applied Acoustics (in press) DOI:     Additive manufacturing techniques were invented several decades ago, but it was not ...

New office location

We have moved! As of May 1 we have moved to the DEMCON building. Our new address is: BuBclean Institutenweg 25 7521PH Enschede The Netherlands In this new office we have more space for our activities. Meanwhile we keep the strong link with the University of Twente, but also hope to find new contacts and ...

Article on ‘Measuring cleaning and its cavitation effect’

Article on 'Measuring cleaning and its cavitation effect'
The Ultrasonics Sonochemistry journal published our article in which we describe various techniques for measuring cavitation as well as for determining whether something is clean or not. We also discuss the underlying question: ‘what is “clean”?’. In the AudioSlides below, we explain the highlights of our paper: [iframe marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border: 0″ scrolling=”no” width=”258″ ...

BuBclean distributor gke cleaning/sterilisation indicators

BuBclean has become distributor for cleaning and sterilisation indicators. These teststrips are used to validate cleaning methods according to the latest ISO norms, in order to ensure the user that the cleaning of e.g. medical instruments, textiles, or precision parts, has been carried out successfully. These validation methods have been developed by the German manufacturer ...

Successful pilot at jeweler

Earlier this week we carried out a pilot at jeweler shop Boonk in Borne. Using less chemicals, we managed to reduce the time required for cleaning, and the amount of contact wear. We thank Boonk for their hospitality and time.

Register now for our seminar on ‘Cleaning and sterilisation processes’

On November 20, we organise a seminar about (ultrasonic) cleaning and disinfection, together with gke. Go to for more information and to register!

NanoLabNL voucher

NanoLabNL voucher
BuBclean has been awarded a voucher worth €7,500 from the NanoLabNL foundation. This voucher allows companies to use the state-of-the-art NanoLabNL facilities including the MESA+ NanoLab, as well as to receive training and advise on the use of equipment. We acknowledge NanoLabNL for this support and are looking forward to get started in the MESA+ ...

‘Lane of Innovation’ tree

'Lane of Innovation' tree
BuBclean is one of the 75 innovative companies that symbolically received a tree at the Lane of Innovation in Enschede. The Lane of Innovation is an honorary titel for the Hengelosestraat in Enschede, assigned to it last year by Kennispark Twente in order to publicly appraise the innovativeness of the local companies. The trees represent ...

Article in ‘TC Tubantia’

Article in 'TC Tubantia'
BuBclean was again featured in a newspaper article published in Twentsche Courant Tubantia, discussing ultrasonic cleaning and applications.

STW Valorisation Grant phase 1

STW Valorisation Grant phase 1
BµBclean was awarded a Valorisation Grant phase 1 from the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, in order to investigate the commercial potential of a novel ultrasonic cleaning technology.

MESA+ Young Business Award 2012

MESA+ Young Business Award 2012
At the annual MESA+ meeting, the Young Business Award 2012 was awarded to Bram Verhaagen and David Fernandez Rivas, PhD-students at the Physics of Fluids and the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group, respectively. During a 3 minute pitch, they presented their business idea ‘BµBCLEAN’ for cleaning surfaces that are difficult to clean, using a novel technique ...